Keyboard 6/7

Final (proper) Amiga keyboard update.

Besides the broken plastic clip of the space bar, the keyboard membrane needed some love because some keys were flaky sometimes. A good way to improve the reliability is to add graphite to refresh conductivity.


In particular, the Arrow keys, Help, Del and Numpad-Minus were flaky sometimes. After some probing, I learned they all share the same trace. Easy fix! ...Except that I have to remove and add those 26 screws again...


Yet another time lapse:

UbFGiguS_lI (YouTube Direktlink)

After refreshing all pads, I tested all traces and made sure there's no physical damage that requires membrane scratching and silver paint to bypass a dead spot. But the Help-Del-Arrows trace turned out to be 100% fine, which leaves the main connector as culprit.


(Behind the scenes: A 3rd hand was needed for that picture)


I carefully scratched pin 1-5 on the main board connector with a scalpel and added some graphite on top. The connector is 100% reliable now. #Physics


Thread originaly published on January 3, 2019 (