Gayle Reset Fix

This is the "Gayle" chip inside the Amiga 1200. It contains a hardware bug that prevents the proper reinitialization of the PCMCIA slot after a reset via keyboard or a software crash. To make it detect cards again, a full powercycle is needed.


It's possible to fix this by patching the chip. This can be done by directly soldering on the pins or by using a PLCC socket: That's a socket you piggyback on a chip.

1063520520702967809 Image by Paul Vernon/Retro-Kit (used with permission)

I didn't feel like ordering transistors and other parts I might need, so I bought a very clean solution on Ebay: The Hardware Gayle reset fix by Rastport.


Installation is quick and easy: Just plug the socket on the chip and you're done.


Thread originaly published on November 16, 2018 (