Accellerator woes 2/3

I finally figured it out.



The weird "contact support for ACA121EC firmware update" error message was a red herring. The driver-tool is older than my card model and believes it's detecting a different model with an unexpected firmware. I know this because I contacted support :D

The most likely cause for all the crazy range of random errors (80000003, 80000004, 8000000A and 8000000B) was an overheating component.

The Indivision AGA MK2cr was generating way too much heat (impossible to touch the surface for more than a few seconds) and it dragged the whole system down after ~1 hour of operation. After removing the card, everything works fine.


Here's what I'm not going to do: Add a flipping fan.

I won't need the Indivision for any upcoming steps anyways. All future recordings will be done via RGB cable and OSSC (Open Source Scan Converter).


Plus, I could add a handy CF card slot to the back of the machine instead of the DVI connector. Looks like this:…

Thread originaly published on November 23, 2018 (