Today I received my new SD card interface (SD2IDE) as well as a single port IDE adapter by RastPort for my Amiga 1200.



It replaces the current Compact Flash reader + IDE cable. Oh, how I hated this thing. CF aside (which I equally loathe), there was a constant risk to short something, hence the plastic wrap. Also, it was impossible to tuck that stiff bastard-cable away. It had to go.


I never liked IDE cables.

At my first summer job in 1992 I had to cramp tons of them. 😡

Anyways... 🙄

...the installation was fairly easy and the result looks very clean. 😊


The SD card can be accessed very quickly too (with the case removed). This will make the upcoming Amiga OS 3.1.4 installation a lot more fun.


Thread originaly published on November 13, 2018 (