Floppy Disks



Got the Amiga disks from storage. My goal is to write down what I remember playing and what games I want to revisit.

I'm listening to "Lost Patrol Theme" (CASIO CZ-1 port) while writing this thread - it's quite fitting)

onznPogsB0s (YouTube Direktlink)

I'm surprised how many original disks are in my collection. Here's a few. The only original Box I got left is Eye of the Beholder: One of the games that shaped my youth.



"The Running Man" has a misprinted label and the disks don't match. Collectors item!


Many disks still work. I cannot try them on the Amiga 1200 directly right now, because of the newer Kickstart ROM. But I also got my ancient A500 here. It's a massive Machine - and there's way too many keyboards on my desk.


Useless Amiga fact: Ctrl-Alt-Del equivalent is Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga.

No swapping! /cc @data_becker


Let's try out Textomat... or not.



Dirty pirate. (Chill, Manfred Trenz: I also own an original Turrican 2 disk)


Stupid pirate.


Also found a pirated copy of Bard's Tale. But I got an absolution for that one.


Couldn't get past the Bubble Bobble disk. The graphics quality of the Indivision AGA MK2 is excellent. This is an HDMI capture, minus Twitter's JPG compression artefacts of course.


PORTS OF CALL! Disks still works, but won't launch on the Amiga 1200, again because of Kickstart ROM incompatibilities. This is the OSCC analogue RGB capture, without scan lines.


(Kickstart ROM incompatibilities: One of the benefits of the ACA1221ec accelerator card: It can load older ROMs into memory, but I need to research first how to do that)

Done! All disks sorted alphabetically, multi-disk games on top. All originals and applications are in another box.

I also found 10 empty disks. That's quite the bonus because new MF2DD disks are quite expensive.


So here's the compiled list of games I'd like to revisit: gist.github.com/frame/ce31398a…

I won't play all games for a longer period, but some I'll try to finish a handful.

Thread originaly published on November 6, 2018 (twitter.com)